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Energizing Change

Energizing Change™

Energizing Change™ for a positive future

For over 10 years, Aggreko has made continuous improvements to lessen the impact of our operations on the world around us. However, as urgency increases and concern for our planet grows, we acknowledge that we must accelerate this rate of change to make a positive impact.

Together, we are channeling our energy to focus on the areas we can influence for the greatest effect. Today and tomorrow.

Energizing Change™ is our vision for a sustainable future. It encompasses the difference we can make and is underpinned by our values, purpose and commitment to health and safety. It describes our guiding principles to support the energy transition and create a positive future for all.

Through Energizing Change™, we are Accelerating Transition, Promoting Development and Taking Responsibility, for our people, our customers, and the communities we serve.

Our Energizing Change™ pillars

Aggreko Energising Change Interactive Map

Energizing Change™ across the globe

Around the world, across our business, we are Energizing Change for our planet, our people, our customers and the communities we serve.
Find out how we are Energizing Change™ across the globe with our interactive map.

Learn more about Energizing Change™

To learn more about how we are putting all our energy together and Energizing Change™ for a positive future, download our brochure here.

Download brochure

Our sustainability performance

What is the impact of our sustainability framework? From reducing carbon emissions to developing people and communities, we are supporting a cleaner, socially responsible, sustainable future.

Our performance