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A pipe dream or a potential reality?

How Flare-to-Power Is Key to Zero Routine Flared Gas by 2030

Conquering oil and gas industry’s carbon footprint: How flare gas recovery can help you boost revenue, minimise environmental impact and provide cleaner energy for your plant

In the face of pressing environmental challenges, the oil and gas industry is at a crossroads when balancing energy equity and security with environmental sustainability, especially when it comes to power supply.

The practice of flaring, which contributes to climate change and wastes valuable resources, demands immediate attention.
The Net Zero Emissions by 2050 (NZE) Scenario sets an ambitious goal: to eliminate non-emergency flaring globally by 2030. This could potentially reduce flared gas volumes by 95%, preventing the release of 500 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent from flaring into the atmosphere.

In our latest whitepaper, we explore:
Flare-to-power solutions and their environmental impact
● The role of flaring in the energy trilemma
● How converting flare gas into clean energy can benefit both the environment and the bottom lines of oil and gas companies

Download the whitepaper to find out how harnessing the power of flare-to-power solutions is critical for a sustainable energy future.

Download our whitepaper

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