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Power for peak shaving

Client: Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB)

Location: Malaysia

Sectors: Utilities

The challenge

Plug peak time power gaps

With the economy in Malaysia growing at 7.7 per cent and demand for electricity growing at the same rate, Malaysia Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) realised they were going to have to ramp up their energy output.

They had plans to build a 300 MW independent power plant, but knew they were going to have outages, particularly during peak demand, before the new plant could hang its ‘Open for Business’ sign. They needed to manage power consumption during peak hours, and they needed to do it straight away.

Project fact file

customers located in the region 350,000
Time taken to install 3Weeks

The solution

A package that injects extra power into the grid during peak hours

We were chosen because we had the shortest lead time of any supplier. Our rapid response time, along with our extensive experience in rental installations and short-term power packages, convinced SESB we were the best people for the job.

We built a 15 MW 20 kV power package with generator transformers, bulk fuel tanks, and a control room in just three weeks. The package was operated by our technicians at full capacity for 12 hours a day during the peak time, and in standby mode for the other 12.

“Due to increasing energy demands in the area, SESB knew that the ability to deliver the project on time was critical in order to ensure adequate power supply.”

The impact

Reduced outages when it mattered most

It was a win-win situation: SESB reduced their operating costs as they no longer had to supply peak amounts of power during high-load working hours. Local users could save on electricity bills by managing their consumption and shifting their electricity demands to cheaper, off-peak periods.

The predicted outages were avoided allowing local businesses to go about their daily activities and the economy to continue its growth path. Our package also allowed SESB to concentrate on long term plans, while we managed power consumption on their behalf.