Reactor cooling is challenging - but not for Aggreko
High temperatures in the refining production phase mean that reducing these temperatures for maintenance is time consuming and costly.
For catalyst reactor maintenance during a Turnaround, the problem is clear, too long with a lower temperature means the risk of bottlenecks and monetary loss.
Patented reactor cooling without the fear of bottlenecks
Reducing turnaround duration can dramatically increase refinery profitability. Historically, cooling hydrotreater, hydrocracker, or reformer catalyst has often been on the critical path when maintenance was being performed on those units.
We have noticed refineries and petrochemicals are using the industry's current climate to better plan for future outages. Aggreko's patented Hydrotreater Catalyst Cooldown Method is becoming a best practice, as it can shorten the cooldown time by up to 75% and it can cost half of the alternative methods.
Complex, Not Impossible
An engineered solution with expert planning is where Aggreko Process Services (APS) step in and deliver measurable results backed by a successful track record.
Our approach involves installing heat exchangers which circulate coolant through a closed-loop, mechanical refrigeration system. By cooling the gas that circulates through the reactor's catalyst, a faster result is achieved compared to traditional methods such as using liquefied nitrogen.
Once cooled, the reactor vessel can then be added back into the production loop, allowing the plant to get back online much more quickly, all as one unit.
Our expertise in reactor cooling means that specialism is key. Getting your unit ready for maintenance via bespoke planning, dedicated expertise and years of proven experience is something you won't find elsewhere.