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Cooling solutions for marine animal husbandry

Client: Alemco Electromechnical Contracting

Location: Abu Dhabi

Sectors: Construction


Penguins urgently needed a new cooling pool

A colony of penguins was scheduled to arrive at a water park in Abu Dhabi in early January 2023. But there was a problem. Due to unforeseen issues with the penguins’ permanent pool, the park needed to build a temporary facility for them to ensure their survival – and fast. In captivity, penguins require saline pools with a maximum temperature of 4°C. To provide the best animal husbandry, the water park needed an industrial cooling solution for its temporary saline pool, or else risk the safety of the penguins.

Fact File

From start to finish of project 7months
Maximum allowed temperature of pool 4Degrees
Chillers for the temporary saline pool 800kW
Engineers and labourers on site Team of 8


Industrial chillers for animal husbandry

With a team of eight, including both engineers and labourers, we arrived to save the day for the penguins. We brought two 800kW industrial chillers, two food grade titanium heat exchangers, 20% propylene glycol (as a soluble form of antifreeze), and two 1,000kVA generators. We included two of each product for redundancy to ensure that the project could continue without interruption. Combining both our technology and expertise, we provided critical, clean, and foolproof industrial cooling solutions to maintain optimal temperatures. As a result, the water park was able to keep its new penguins happy and healthy before they were moved to their permanent pool facility.


Saved the client time, money, and delays

The successful industrial chilling solution for the temporary pool brought two major wins for the water park. The first was that the water park was able to ensure optimal animal husbandry measures had taken place. The second was that the water park was able to adhere to the strict project timelines. By making sure that the penguins were brought to the water park on time, as per their original schedule, this avoided pushing the project back by six months. This possibility would have lead to huge penalties and project handover delays