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Meeting heat, hot water and steam demand for new facility

Client: Poultry processing company

Location: Peterborough, UK

Sectors: Food and Beverage

The challenge

Provide heat for workforce and steam for critical testing

A meeting was arranged for one of our sales team to discuss possible power solutions for a new facility. It soon became apparent that there was a far more pressing need however. The facility was under construction and the workers on site wanted to have a hot shower once work finished for the day. At the time this wasn't available and as the cold months were approaching, this would eventually affect morale and productivity if unaddressed.

Keeping the climate just right was another requirement for the workforce and steam was needed to test parts of the production line before being signed off.

Project fact file

Oil-fired boilers 2 x 2MW
Oil-fired steam boiler 1 x 2 t/h
Including fuel management 4 x fuel tanks
Generators 2 x 125 kVA

The solution

Modular boilers and power to connect to heating system

A total of 4MW of heating had to be installed. This would allow for at least 2 MW of partial redundancy so the facility could ensure a smooth operation in the face of anything. A steam demand of 2 t/h needed to be fulfilled too, so testing could take place. This would be met with a steam boiler on a trailer and as there was no water treatment facilities on site, a separate trailer with water softener, hotwell and chemical dosing was set up.

Our technicians were able to install quickly due to our mobile and modular equipment, which also reduced logistic costs. Our experts also took care of the connection between our boilers and the heating system, and the steam boiler to the steam network keeping things as seamless and stress-free for the customer as possible.

The impact

Happy workforce and vital testing goes according to plan

The workforce enjoyed a comfortably heated environment and could enjoy a warm shower after a day of hard work. This meant morale and productivity was maintained. 

The steam supply allowed the customer to stringently test the production line too, ensuring no stone was unturned before the facility opened. The site is now operational, and our solution remains on site providing essential support.

We were challenged to supply the 4MW of LPW and 2 tonnes of steam - within a tight two-week period. To specify, mobilise and deliver on time took a great deal of effort and expertise from all the team but we are happy to say that we succeeded.