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Cleaner cost effective power for Myanmar

Client: Global Grand Service Company

Location: Dawei, Myanmar

Sectors: Utilities

The Challenge

Provide reliable efficient power at a lower competitive cost

Nearly two thirds of Myanmar can’t access electricity from the national grid so the regional governments have to be self-sufficient in power generation.

With economic sanctions and low foreign direct investment into the country up until 2013, many regional governments were unable to access modern efficient technology. Their only option to meet their power needs were old inefficient diesel generators. 

For the Dawei region, this, coupled with rising demand and poor distribution infrastructure, meant electricity generation was expensive and unreliable. 

We had been working with the regional government of Tanintharyi (TRG) since 2014 with a 6 MW gas fired power plant. With a need to increase the capacity of the plant to meet the rising demand and secure a competitive tariff, TRG retendered the power supply. We knew we had to show TRG they could get newer, more efficient technology and at a lower competitive cost. 

Project fact file

Natural gas power delivered in just 21 days 14MW
Energy cost savings 22%
Dawei inhabitants get uninterrupted eco-friendly power 125,000

The solution

14 MW of our reliable, efficient NGG power to increase the town’s power capacity

We partnered with Global Grand Service Company (GGS) to design a solution that would deliver state of the art highly efficient Next Generation Gas (NGG) generators that would meet their needs at a competitive cost. 

We delivered a 14 MW natural gas package with our NGG generators and added an inductive load bank to compensate for the long power transmission lines between the power plant and the majority of the consumers based in the town 80 km away. Our NGG generators have a higher capacity, reduced environmental impact through their smaller carbon footprint and high electrical efficiency compared to other gas generators available in the market. 

TRG had limited engineering resources and was able to rely on our experienced engineers who lent their knowledge by evaluating and recommending robust protection settings for the customer’s Transmission and Primary Distribution system, which then we coordinated with our own Aggreko protection system. Having robust aligned protection systems ensures guaranteed reliable power and helps avoid frequent blackouts.

Power that enables communities and businesses to grow and thrive

The impact

Savings of US $35m and stable electrical supply to underpin growth in Dawei

We were able to deliver and install our mobile, modular equipment in just 21 days and our market leading efficient equipment lowered the total cost of energy for TRG and the Dawei population by 22%, which is approximately 35m USD over the course of the contract. 

We provide uninterrupted, stable power that the people of Dawei need. This power supply enables businesses to grow and thrive, and critical institutions such as hospitals, schools and chilled food industries to provide reliable services to the Dawei inhabitants.