Resistive reactive load bank hire
Resistive reactive load banks for testing equipment with non linear load profiles
Extensive resistive reactive load bank fleet
Whether you're undertaking generator maintenance or testing equipment, our resistive reactive load bank range offers reliable and practical solutions. Our comprehensive line-up features ampere (A) ranges from 600 kW to 6MVA, so you can conduct high voltage power system tests on any scale - across gas or wind turbines, generators or uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems.
Here, at Aggreko, we know and understand your industry. Our flexibility and expertise put us in the perfect position to help you find the right resistive reactive load bank to test your core equipment. Get in touch with us to discuss your needs today.
Effective load bank testing for every application
Our resistive reactive load banks cover a huge range of different applications. Whether you’re managing a hybrid power plant or working in renewable energy with wind or gas turbine testing - we can help.
We provide resistive-only AC load banks, combined resistive reactive load banks, and DC load banks. All are available in a range of sizes to suit your specific scenario.
With generator load bank testing equipment on a global scale, Aggreko has the fleet you need to conduct accurate testing, anywhere. We also pair our load banks with simple, intuitive controls, including full test data capture for proof of testing.
Visit our load banks overview page to find out more. You can also explore our range of resistive load banks and capacitive load banks.