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Portable Power for the Elton John Farewell Tour

Client: Frontier Touring

Location: Australia

Sectors: Events

The Challenge

Portable power and cooling for a major concert tour.

Frontier Touring is one of Australia and New Zealand’s largest concert promoters and was responsible for the Australian leg of Elton John’s Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour.

They needed a temporary solution that would provide all the power required for the lighting, audio, and video (including large LED screens), as well as the cooling via air conditioners. 

The equipment needed to be transported at least 1,200 kilometres between each venue and in some instances over 5,000 kilometres.

With late finishes and tight turnarounds between shows, they needed a partner who could provide the most reliable solution, including all the necessary on-site staff to ensure everything ran smoothly.

Fact File Heading

Between each venue 1,200+ km
Of cabling 2km
Generators 3 x 500kVA
Generators to power Elton John Tour

The Solution

Modular cooling and power with on-site staff

We designed and delivered a turnkey system to ensure uninterrupted power and cooling at every show.

The cooling equipment consisted of four 5 kW air-conditioning units for the front-of-house and quick-change areas as well as a 20 kVA air-conditioning unit for cooling Elton directly on stage.

The air conditioning, lighting, audio, and video were powered by three 500 kVA generators with two kilometres of cable connecting all the equipment. 

We also provided three technicians for the tour. Our experts ensured that everything was set up correctly at each venue, then safely dismantled and transported to the next show.

The Impact

Successful tour with flawless power delivery

The Australian leg of the tour was a great success and our fully redundant system ensured that no power issues were experienced at any of the shows.

Our new wheelchair-accessible cable ramps meant that all cabling was protected while all patrons could safely access the venue.

Thanks to our attention to detail and our on-site technicians working until 5 am after each show, the touring team was able to stick to its tight schedule and was confident of flawless power delivery and cooling throughout.

Setting the stage for the Farewell Tour