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Clinical cooling keeps hospital theatre operational

Client: Private Hospital

Location: Mornington, Australia

Sectors: Facilities management

The Challenge

To quickly cool and maintain temperature of an operating theatre

Late night on a Friday is not the best time to have your air conditioning malfunction. Especially when it's in a hospital that relies on optimised temperatures to perform life-saving surgery.

With the failure of the operating theatre's chiller, our Aggreko solution was required to maintain the theatre temperature below 20C - ASAP. The hospital didn't just need urgent temperature control - delays could have life-changing consequences.

Project Fact File

FC50 Chillers 2
Installation and commission 36hours
Required temperature for water loop 7°C

The Solution

Two FC50 chillers installed and running within 36 hours

Time was the most valuable commodity here, every second counted. How quickly could we regulate the temperature of the operating theatre and allow the hospital staff to do their work? 

Our ability to respond rapidly was put to the test, but Aggreko are the world leaders in permorary power and temperature control for a reason. From the moment the hospital called us on Friday night, we had our reliable, mobile and modular equipment up and running in just 36 hours. 

We achieved such a quick response by working together with our customer and by using our extensive experience in such critical circumstances.

The Impact

Scheduled operations are able to proceed - potentially changing lives

With the surgery's temperature now optimised to 20C, the vital procedure list could now carry on, meaning patients could now receive their life-saving and life-changing surgeries. It doesn't get more important than that.