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Opening opera doors using flexible ventilation

Client: Stichting Opera Zuid

Location: Netherlands

Sectors: Facilities management

The Challenge

Create a temporary ventilation system for opera in historical church

During these times of restriction, it is challenging for many businesses and sectors – especially for the Arts. This was the case for Opera Zuid and many others, with events and gatherings curtailed.

All performances were cancelled until 01 June 2020. Once this date passed, performances were allowed but with strict regulations and measurements.

In order to create a safe atmosphere for the performers and employees of Opera Zuid in Maastricht, the ventilation system had to be improved due to local legislation. The air quality was highly important for this cultural hotspot. The air flows inside needed near-constant fresh air. Without it and there would be no show.

Project fact file

AHC200 units 2x
Amount of fresh air required 40,000m3/h
Expected rental period 1years
Members of restricted audience 30

The Solution

Comprehensive ventilation, for both heating and cooling

A rapid solution was needed so the performers could carry on and the public could enjoy the show.

We were called in to help and our experts realised that two AHC200 units - that can each blow a maximum of 20.000 m3/h air – could maintain the desired ventilation level for the venue.

Both air conditioners would operate at a low flow rate and noise level so there would be no interference with the performances. This would be achieved using flexible air hoses where fresh air could enter the venue and the inside air would be pushed out, keeping things safe for all concerned.

It was our expertise that kept the opera company within new regulations. Thanks to applying overpressure, the air in the church would be fresh and risk of contamination would be kept in check – meaning the doors could open to the public once again. And by using a heat exchanger as part of the system, the two air conditioning units could act as both cooling and heating – so if the customer quickly needed an adjustment in temperature – by using our mobile, modular equipment – it would be zero hassle.



The Impact

Fresh and ventilated air allowed show to go on during COVID restrictions

With our involvement, important revenue could be generated for the customer, keeping people in work.

The ability for members of the public to enjoy a show cannot be understated either. It lifts the spirits during a difficult time for everyone and our flexible equipment allows the customer to make dynamic decisions about their needs too. That means the doors of this church will stay open for some time and the amazing voices of the opera should carry on echoing around the beautiful church.

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