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2019.12.10Dougie Brown, National Service Manager
How can you reduce noise pollution?
From noisy neighbours to nearby music venues, we experience noise pollution on a daily basis. Though some kinds are more preventable than others, noise pollution from construction sites must be controlled and regulated to ensure disturbances are kept to a minimum.
Five Common Challenges Facing the Mining Industry in Australia
The mining industry in Australia comes with its fair share of challenges; from access to power supply to uncertainty around commodity prices, miners are always looking at ways to overcome barriers to stay competitive. Here we explore five challenges currently facing the industry.
Aggreko commissions local artist to create artistic legacy for GC2018
As part of Gold Coast’s commitment to preserving its Aboriginal heritage, Aggreko commissioned local artist Leeton Lee, to create a bespoke piece of art for the 20ft generator container to celebrate the 2018 Commonwealth Games