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Electric Heater 30 kW

This portable electric fan heater has 30kW of heating capacity. This compact high-performance heater is designed for space heating and can also be used in a variety of applications, including building sites, stores, shops and residential premises. This model is approved for use in humid and wet areas for drying purposes. Its built-in safety features and efficient heating technology make it a reliable and cost-effective heating solution for any space.

Rating 30kW
Voltage 3x400V
Air Flow 1900
Length (m) 0.61m
Height (m) 0.57m
Width (m) 0.57m
Weight (kg) 30kg


  • Compact and portable design for easy transporation and placement. 
  • Built-in thermostat with two output stages for accurate temperature control. 
  • Safety features, including a built-in safety temperature limiter, to prevent overheating.
  • Splash-proof design for safe use in humid and wet areas.


  • Safe and reliable operation.
  • Suits a wide variety of applications including space heating and drying. 
  • Reduced total cost of operation with efficient heating technology. 
  • Safe, balanced lifting and placing in tight spaces.