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What is energy storage?

Whether you’re looking to make your business more sustainable, save on energy costs or reduce downtime – discover energy storage. Flexible, scalable and risk-free, it’s an increasingly popular way to level up your business’ efficiency. But what is energy storage? And what are the other advantages? We’ll run you through the answers to these questions and more, below. 

What is a battery energy storage system?

So, what is energy storage? To fully appreciate how battery energy storage systems could benefit your business, it’s key that you understand the fundamentals behind what they are.

A battery energy storage system captures energy so that you can use it at a later date. During this process, the energy can be converted from forms that are typically harder to store into more economic or convenient storable forms. What’s more, energy storage allows you to save otherwise unused energy from renewables like wind and solar power.

And how do they work? To put it simply, energy is produced either by the grid or other renewable sources before being transferred into an energy management system. From there, it enters a power conversion system and then the battery monitoring system, before ending up in battery modules.

A visual guide to energy storage

Advantages of battery energy storage systems

We’ve covered what energy storage is. Now, we’ll go through some of the key advantages of battery energy storage systems.

Environmental benefits:

  • No emissions. If reducing your business’ carbon footprint is your aim, fortunately, the energy storage system contributes no emissions when in use. And when used with renewable energy storage systems, CO2 emissions will be reduced further. 
  • Reduced fuel consumption. Benefit from a 1% reduced annual fuel consumption by displacing spinning reserve. 
  • Increase efficiency. Your machines runtime can be reduced by 11% when used with spinning reserve.

For more on the environmental benefits of energy storage, read our article on energy storage renewable integration. 

Business benefits:

  • No emissions. If reducing your business’ carbon footprint is your aim, fortunately, the energy storage system contributes no emissions when in use. And when used with renewable energy storage systems, CO2 emissions will be reduced further. 
  • Reduced fuel consumption. Benefit from a 1% reduced annual fuel consumption by displacing spinning reserve. 
  • Increase efficiency. Your machines runtime can be reduced by 11% when used with spinning reserve.

Why energy storage from Aggreko?

Choose energy storage from Aggreko for temporary and ready-to-install systems, all contained in a 20ft container, adaptable contracts and scalable units. Interested? Find out more about our energy storage systems today or contact our team for further information.