Power behind movie magic
While you create movies, fan-favourite TV shows, or produce documentaries, we’re behind the scenes delivering temporary power and temperature control solutions tailored for the film and TV industry. Whether you need power for lights and equipment or reliable heating and cooling, our services are designed to keep your production running smoothly. With top-notch expertise, dependable service, and high-quality equipment, we’ll meet your power and climate control needs at every stage of filming. Our equipment range includes trailer or truck mounted silent generators, battery storage for silent power, heaters, air conditioning units, air handlers, and fully bundled fuel tanks for hassle-free operation.
We offer:
- Super silent power for lighting, SFX, and sound-sensitive environments
- Customised heating and cooling for comfort and set requirements
- Complete site-wide power distribution to production offices, catering and key filming locations
- Precision chilling solutions for special effects
- Portable power for quick installation, saving time and money