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Steady temperature at chemical processing plant

Client: Contract chemical manufacturer

Location: Middlesbrough, UK

Sectors: Petrochemical and refining

The challenge

Chemical plant needed fast fix when heating and cooling failed

A contract manufacturer of high quality fine chemicals faced a conundrum. Its heating and cooling had failed – so they couldn’t control the temperature of glycol, which is crucial for the chemical reaction. As a result, production had stalled. Problem was, their equipment was obsolete, so there were no parts available. They needed a fast fix to get the plant up and running again.

Project fact file

Ideal temperature of glycol solution 17°C
Heat-pump chiller 100kW

The Solution

Aggreko heat-pump chiller and 3-way valve keep glycol temperature constant

Our specialist temperature control engineer devised a heating and cooling system that would keep the glycol solution at a steady 17°C (63°F) – the optimum temperature for the chemical reaction. The automated system could easily switch between heating and cooling, and used a heat pump chiller to save on space.

“Every step in the chemical manufacturing process is tightly controlled. We knew how critical it was to get the temperature just right.”

The impact

Aggreko keeps plant running without the need for costly new equipment

Our cost-effective configuration kept the glycol solution within +/-0.3°C of the desired 17°C – giving the chemical manufacturer the confidence to resume production. What’s more, Aggreko’s system could flex for future batch processes, so if another chemical process needed a different temperature, we could easily deliver.