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Chris Rason - Managing Director Northern Europe

Could your company benefit from a decentralised energy solution?

National Grid’s warning of power outages this winter, coupled with soaring energy prices, highlights the growing risk companies face when relying on the local grid infrastructure. In October last year, industry bosses warned the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Kwasi Kwarteng, that the energy crisis may cause production slowdowns and factory shutdowns.

Decentralised energy solutions may offer an answer. Enabling users to generate energy
on-site and lessen overreliance on the national grid, technologies such as solar power,  and battery storage, offer security of supply while lowering overall carbon emissions, and potentially reducing costs.

We understand the challenges facing the industry when it comes to reliance on grid supply. Decentralised energy solutions offer a solution to remove reliance on the grid, freeing up the stretched energy supply. However, one challenge to overcome is the cost. We would encourage UK industry to consider long-term hire as a solution, ensuring that any plans to implement on-site generation are both successful and cost-effective.

Whether you’re taking advantage of our long-term hire for three months or three years, you’ll also have access to the latest cutting-edge technology with no capital expenditure, ensuring you’re in the strongest position possible to save money from day one, avoid technical obsolescence and remain competitive both in the UK and internationally.

Chris Rason

Managing Director - Aggreko Northern Europe