Stay switched on
Decentralised energy solutions provide manufacturers with flexible power generation that can reinforce security of supply, stabilise energy costs, cut carbon emissions and in some cases, generate revenue.
At a time when energy costs are uncertain and over-reliance on the grid can be a risk to operations, our range of short to medium term decentralised power hire options can support in managing cost and energy supply more effectively.
Being agile to adapt to changes in demand, and gaining access to finance, can be a major hurdle for many manufacturers, especially when faced with economic uncertainty. With hire you can get your plans underway straight away, accessing newer, more efficient technology with environmental benefits, whilst eliminating the need for capital expenditure and being tied into high fixed energy costs. With operation and maintenance provision included in the rental agreement, you also save on in-house resource and maintenance costs.
Stay competitive
If local wholesale electricity pricing is impacting your bottom line and you are looking for ways to reduce your energy costs or even generate revenue, through mechanisms such as demand side response, a decentralised solution could provide a fast flexible solution. Modular configuration means that our products are easy to install, so capacity can be increased or decreased quickly, in line with production demand.