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Accelerating Transition

Accelerating transition

Accelerating transition

We are committed to caring for our world today and safeguarding it for future generations. Innovating cleaner energy solutions through Greener Upgrades™  and enabling our customers to make the switch to more sustainable solutions. Going further, faster to accelerate the transition to Net Zero emissions. For everyone’s benefit.

Tomorrow’s energy transition starts today. To proceed with purpose, we must first understand the impact of our operations. We have completed an assessment of our operations and established our 2021 emissions baseline. Giving us an understanding of the carbon footprint of our business in every region.

This foundation was the starting point to provide awareness of our scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions, project future emissions and identify opportunities to decarbonise. External factors mean every country faces its own challenges and each has a different pace of acceleration on the path to Net Zero. This has enabled us to create a bespoke transition roadmap and timescale for each region that feeds into two overarching goals. These goals encompass our ambition to make a difference and unite us all on our journey to Net Zero. We will continue to monitor and report on our progress throughout our journey and continually look for opportunities to influence change.

Accelerating transition focuses on four key areas.

At the heart of our strategy



Climate change is one of society’s greatest challenges. As a leading provider of energy solutions, Aggreko has a key opportunity and responsibility to support global climate action. We are fully committed to working towards Net Zero, using our current technologies and capabilities to achieve emission reductions. At the same time, we’re supporting customers to adopt cleaner energy solutions with our Greener Upgrades™.   


Although not a water-intensive consumer, we are mindful of minimising our consumption of – and impact on – this shared resource, identifying best practices and ensuring we manage wastewater in accordance with local legislation and approval requirements.

Biodiversity and waste

Across our business, we use natural resources such as land, water and materials for our operations. We recognise our activities can influence nature and are working hard to minimise the impact on the environment around our sites.

Environmental compliance

We strive to minimise the impact of our activities on local communities and the environment, keeping noise and emissions to a minimum while driving efficient use of fuel and energy.

Wherever we operate, we fully comply with regulations and follow strict standards for our equipment. Our Environment Policy guides our approach.

Find out more

We understand the challenges our customers face to lower carbon emissions and reach Net Zero. That’s why we’re committed to offering flexible and sustainable power, energy and temperature control solutions through our Greener Upgrades™ initiative. Helping everyone strike the right balance between planet and profit.