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Complex networked load bank solution for Data Centers

A test of ingenuity | Deliver a complex networked load bank solution

Client: Global Data Center Hyperscaler

Location: North America

Sectors: Data Centers

The Challenge

Implement a fully networked load bank solution for level four and level five testing

The electrical contractor was very involved in the project because the customer has a stringent quality control process. It was critical to the project team that the load bank network have extensive heat load shifting capabilities. Aggreko was tasked with developing a load bank networking plan that would execute the full scope of the commissioning agent’s plan.

  • Scope project to gain in-depth understanding of the data center, testing requirements and previous issues
  • Review the commissioning plan to provide engineered drawings that overlay with the commissioning plan/load bank layout.
  • Installation of load bank solution with independent power source.
  • Ensure no costly delays or impacts to testing schedule.

Key Facts

load banks complete 80 x 500 kW
data halls networked together 2 x 4 MW
equipment footprint 90- days
power source 120 V
Complex networked load bank solution for Data Centers

The Solution

Plan for success. Test for failure

Aggreko and the customer’s success was driven by attention to detail. Aggreko started by providing engineered drawings that overlayed with the customer’s commissioning plan/load bank layout. Next, a full network plan was designed based on the combined drawings. This involved engineering a solution detailing how the data halls would network together for each phase of the testing. Lastly, when the equipment arrived on site, every load bank was individually labelled and assigned into groups according to the plan. Each configuration enabled the team to network all units together on a single loop through a single laptop with spares on-site.

The Impact

The project was delivered on time and budget

  • Remotely apply loads with precision – Aggreko’s matrix design allowed for the precise application of loads from a single laptop with a single push of a button. This enabled the ability to remotely apply transient loads to any single load bank or groups of loadbanks in the data hall.
  • Reduced labor and added peace of mind – with the correct network in place, commissioning teams were able to significantly reduce labor demands when compared to the manual operation of loadbanks.
  • Full network integrity – Aggreko provided a reliable external power supply to key loadbanks to further ensure network integrity was maintained throughout the most critical phases of testing.
  • Planning for success – by mapping out a full plan prior to equipment mobilization, Aggreko’s technical team was able to quickly implement the desired setup directly after equipment arrival.
  • Ready to go – With the right plan in place, Aggreko was able to test the full integrity of the customers' data halls. The customer can assure their customers they have exceeded industry best practices in demonstrating full reliable of their data halls.
  • Delivered on time and budget – The project carried out all agreed Tier 3 testing on time and on budget.
Complex networked load bank solution for Data Centers
A test of ingenuity | Deliver a complex networked load bank solution

The Aggreko Difference

We can prove your data center operations in the most testing environments