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sunset oil gas well drilling

Harnessing waste gas to deliver savings

Client: Maurel & Prom

Location: Gabon, Africa

Sectors: Oil and Gas

The Challenge

Expansion plans needed extra power

Maurel & Prom is a listed oil and gas company that specialises in extracting and producing hydrocarbons. It has more than 100 onshore wells, which are powered by a 20 kV grid. The company did more drilling than initially forecast and was managing a greater amount of associated effluents.

This meant the company was expanding and needed extra power to enable it to meet its ambitions, as well as to keep its oil flowing.

Key Facts

Gas Power Supply 5 MW
Loadbanks to optimise existing infrastructure 5 MVA
Power shortages 0

The Solution

Harnessing flare gas to deliver savings

Flare gas from oil and gas production offered an ideal solution, as it could be used for power and could also help cut down on the cost of producing that power. That plan is also good news for the environment.

We installed a 1.8 MW gas plant to keep Maurel & Prom powered, which eventually grew to 5 MW as its power demands rose. We also increased the stability for the existing power supply by using our 5 MVA load banks to ensure optimal running for the site.

The Impact

Waste re-used, costs saved and more power to grow

Maurel & Prom continued to grow, with our power ensuring maximum uptime for oil and gas production. We used what would otherwise have been wasted - flare gas - which meant we saved the company's cost of fuel, with power that was reliable, met its expansion plans and was kinder to the environment.

We have a flair for exceeding your expectations

