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Events Expertise Help COVID

2020.09.18 Aggreko

Using Events Expertise to Help Support the Healthcare Sector During COVID


The events sector has been under, arguably, the biggest strain it’s come up against in decades.

But rather than the industry doing very little in the absence of events, there has been extraordinary action around the globe, with industry leaders coming together to help out where they can. 

In this vein, we’re proud to be involved in Live for Life, a coalition of over 200 companies working in the live events industry, using their unique skills and equipment expertise to bring power where it’s needed.  

From just-in-time delivery of temporary structures and power solutions to crowd management, registration, and shipping, the coalition is focused on collaborating and supporting organizations and communities, to get the economy rolling again. It also provides materials and manpower for vaccination test centers and infrastructure for temporary hospitals, to name a few areas. 

Specialized triage tent structures have been provided across the US. They are installed and dismantled quickly as time is often of the essence. Weather-resistant, air-conditioned, and mobile shipping container structures (which can be transported just about anywhere in the US by train or truck) and climate-controlled “cold room” tents, for storing delicate substances and samples at ideal temperatures have also been supplied. It’s an impressive operation.

And off the back of this, we teamed up with partners in the Live for Life coalition, to show our gratitude to brave healthcare workers themselves, who are working around the clock in difficult and taxing conditions.

Timed to coincide with celebrating National Hospital Week, we helped power Illuminate Our Heroes (watch a clip here). This involved visiting a string of hospitals in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, Westchester, New Jersey, and Long Island to offer a mobile, multimedia experience for doctors at each one. The 15-minute show provided a fun break for essential teams and frontline workers, thanking them for their service and sacrifice during the pandemic.

The goal was both to uplift and show gratitude to healthcare professionals in a time where they are stretched beyond anything they’ve ever experienced. 

On a wider scale, the Live for Life project has been covered by Rolling Stone, Fortune, the BBC, CNBC, among others. 

The response has been huge. The Live for Life Coalition has supported temporary hospitals in New York’s Javits Center, Georgia World Congress Center, and many more. 
There are now around 50 projects in total and the coalition’s frontline workers have been out in the field building all the infrastructure themselves wherever possible. 

And most importantly, it’s helped support tens of thousands of our fellow Americans during the worst crisis in living memory. 

Final Thoughts: Coming Together

At Aggreko, we believe in stepping up whenever the occasion demands it. In times like these, that includes pro bono work or doing what we can for charities. But while the conditions created by Covid-19 are unprecedented, dealing with disaster mode is what we do best. 

At Aggreko, our whole business model is based on getting our customers through hard times, so that they can get back up to speed and perform better than ever. 

We’re humbled to be able to use this expertise to give help where it’s needed during this challenging period, and after.

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