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2024.08.23 Aggreko

Aggreko Powers Their First Ethane-to-Power Project in the United States

Supported by Aggreko’s energy technology, the new East Tennessee plant will be able to power 3,600+ homes

HOUSTON, August 26, 2024 - Aggreko, a global leader in energy solutions, is partnering with the Holston Electric Cooperative (HEC) to provide an innovative solution to power their first ethane-to-power generation facility. At the 4.8MW Whitehorn Creek Generation Plant in Bulls Gap, Tennessee, HEC has begun installing Aggreko generators to create power from excess ethane captured from a nearby fractionation facility. Once complete, the Whitehorn Creek Generation Plant will create enough energy to power over 3,600 homes in East Tennessee.

Aggreko is providing the plant with its new PowerFlex generators, capable of running on ethane. By using the ethane waste already created by the NGL fractionation facility, the plant generates power using the PowerFlex units instead of having the waste released into the atmosphere.

“We’re proud to support White Horn Creek Generation Facility, and we’re glad we can help turn excess ethane into power for a distribution electric co-op,” said Stephen Saal, Aggreko's Vice President of Sales and Marketing, North America. “We admire Holston Electric’s efforts to bring reliable and affordable electricity to its thousands of customers. We are honored to be selected as a power partner in such an innovative project with a community focus.”

The PowerFlex technology is ideally suited to the Whitehorn Creek Generation Plant, as it complies with stringent emissions requirements, which is particularly important for localities with strict regulations. Customers like HEC, who prioritize their community’s carbon footprint and well-being, benefit significantly from this innovative technology. The PowerFlex product line reduces emissions through a combination of high electrical efficiency and alternative fuel sources, such as biogas, landfill gas, pipeline gas, associated field gas, LPG and the waste-to-power application used at Whitehorn Creek Generation Plant.

In having its own power supply, thanks to Aggreko’s generators and the other energy partners in the project, HEC will be able to reduce wholesale energy purchases from the Tennessee Valley Authority. The generation plant will also play a crucial role in creating more reliable and affordable energy for HEC’s 32,000 members. The plant will also emit lower emissions since power is generated with ethane waste that the facility would otherwise release as carbon emissions.

Holston Electric Cooperative’s subsidiary, HolstonConnect, consistently monitors the Whitehorn Creek Generation Facility. HolstonConnect provides fiber optic gigabit communications to the plant so that both Holston EC and Aggreko can closely observe generator production. This fiber connection allows quick response in any changes in conditions or alarms that could occur within the HEC or TVA Power System(s).

“Providing a safe, reliable, and affordable source of energy for our community is something we pride ourselves in,” said Jimmy Sandlin, General Manager/CEO at Holston EC. “The Whitehorn Creek Generation Plant enables us to generate power locally, build a stronger grid, and maintain low rates for our customers. We’re grateful to have found a partner in Aggreko to continue to better serve our members while also doing our part to control carbon emissions locally.”

As Holston continues to complete installation at the site, the co-op expects the facility to eventually create enough energy to power over 3,600 homes in the Bulls Gap area. More about the Whitehorn Creek Generation Plant can be found here.

To learn more about Aggreko’s modular energy solutions for electric utilities.

About Holston Electric Cooperative

Holston Electric Cooperative is a member-owned, not-for-profit distributor of TVA power that provides safe, reliable and affordable energy to more than 32,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in Hawkins and Hamblen counties.

HolstonConnect is a wholly owned subsidiary of Holston Electric Cooperative formed to provide dependable, fast, quality high-speed internet, television, and telephone services to members at a reasonable cost.

Since 1940, our mission is to provide safe, dependable electric service to our member-owners at a reasonable cost with a level of service beyond customer expectations.

Holston EC continues to research innovative and cost-saving energy alternatives for our membership with a community focus.

More information about Holston Electric Cooperative and HolstonConnect can be found at Holston Electric.

Media Contacts

Brooke Kincaid
Communication Specialist, Holston EC
+1 (423) 272-8821