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Coker Unit maintenance

Smarter solutions for Turnarounds

Coker maintenance does not mean shutdown

What happens in your refinery when you have a Turnaround lined up? Specifically, when you need to shut down your Coking Unit for planned maintenance?

Turnarounds should not mean closure and financial loss, Coker Unit maintenance is no exception. With Aggreko Process Services (APS)expertise and foresight, we keep your refinery fully operational during maintenance programmes.

The modern refiner can take advantage of our smarter approach to Turnarounds which include new ways of replicating heat integration and ‘splitting’ units from those which need maintenance. This technique of taking units offline independently means APS can install proven solutions, backed by a highly successful track record which avoids any uncertainty when it comes to Coker maintenance.

By empowering acute approaches to Turnarounds, practices such as ‘decoupling’ only affect the unit needing maintenance. By externally storing feed material for this unit during the period of downtime, it can then be added back into the unit post maintenance and can be reheated and reprocessed.

Traditionally downtime would be expected as there would have been no buffer between Coking Unit and Vacuum Towers, meaning excessive temperatures and a shutdown in production. Aggreko has successfully developed solutions and commercially demonstrated projects that allow refiners to de-couple units and to maintain production with critical units.

  • Remove a unit outage from a Turnaround scope of work 
  • Address an unplanned maintenance need without impacting other production units

A bespoke solution 

Aggreko will tackle logistical challenges and make firm recommendations with bespoke solutions based on every project's unique requirements. By working with Aggreko, you can be safe in the knowledge that all areas of technicality will be covered. Eradicating the need for capital expenditure, the temporary solution will ensure no downtime and safeguard productivity remains consistent for when your Coking Unit is bought online. 

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