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Extra turnaround support at short notice

Client: Petrochemical Plant

Location: Saudi Arabia

Sectors: Petrochemical and refining

The Challenge

Emergency AC and power provision after unit broke down during turnaround

A Petrochemical Plant subcontractor had hired 4 Air Conditioning (AC) units from Aggreko to support them during a major turnaround at their customer’s petrochemical plant.

After one unit broke down, we were onsite within an hour with a replacement unit. At this point, with the turnaround already underway, the Petrochemical Plant realised they needed extra units of AC and power to mitigate any further risks across the plant during the Turnaround.

Any more failures would have affected production and potentially cost millions of dollars, including severe delays to the Turnaround.

Therefore the Petrochemical Plant requested directly that we provide additional AC units and power as soon as possible to ensure there was no downtime.

Project fact file

From initial contact to being onsite 1hours
Provided at short notice 11 AC units
With mobilisation 9 Power units

The Solution

Onsite within an hour to replace unit and provide further risk mitigation

On top of the four originally ordered by the subcontractor, Aggreko provided an extra 11 x 100kW AC units and 9 x 125kVA power generators with mobilisation services and five Aggreko technicians onsite to oversee the project.

Due to being truly global, we are able to supply staff and equipment at short notice anywhere in the world. In this instance, we had all the equipment needed and available, despatching all the units from our Jeddah depot.

Our night shift service team sprung into action immediately to complete the mobilisation in conjunction with the shutdown which had already begun.

The Impact

Turnaround completed on time with no impact on production

By getting the additional AC units and power onsite and operational so quickly, we were able to ensure our customer completed their turnaround on time and with no issues.

Without Aggreko’s help, the Petrochemical Plant would have had to shut down production during the maintenance, or risk equipment failures that would affect their operations. Thanks to our speedy response, their production process kept running smoothly whilst the turnaround continued with no delays and no revenue was lost.