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Contingency planning: Ensure business continuity

What would happen to your business if a disaster or emergency struck, and you were unprepared?

According to data from FEMA, around 40% of businesses don’t reopen after a disaster – and it’s easy to see why. The effects are rarely contained to any one area of your business, and, in many cases, recovery is a painfully slow process.

When your facility is out of action for an extended period of time, you don’t just need to worry about paying for repairs – the lost productivity affects profits too, driving up the overall cost of recovery.

From wildfires and hurricanes to turbine or generator failures, a disaster could quickly leave you unable to do business, creating irreversible financial and reputational damage. The answer? Effective business continuity planning with help from an expert partner.

What could an emergency cost your business?

If you’re unprepared for a natural disaster or an equipment failure, it could be catastrophic for your productivity. And you could suffer huge financial losses as a result.

For issues you can see approaching on the horizon, having a thorough, well-tested contingency plan means you can switch seamlessly to your backup system – and avoid a single moment of lost productivity.

The Aggreko way

You need to be covered, whatever happens.

Our far-reaching range of contingency planning options can be up and running in mere hours.

We think 10 steps ahead, so you can focus on what you do best – running your business. While we design a contingency plan for power, heating, and cooling, so that, if disaster strikes, you have the equipment and people to combat it quickly.

Put planning in our hands

Reduce “disaster costs”

Downtime resulting from disasters can create big costs. Line up temporary heating and cooling solutions to keep you at full productivity, always.

Rapid, local assistance

Our teams combine global expertise with a local presence, meaning we can get to your site quickly – often within an hour. So you can be confident that we’re always on hand to help.

Stop disruption in its tracks

Keep power up and your workforce engaged, ensuring business continuity around the clock. Because planning for failure makes or breaks your success.

A corner view of the cement plant

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What could an emergency cost your business?

For issues you can see approaching on the horizon, having a through, well-tested contingency plan in place means you can switch seamlessly onto a backup system, avoiding even a single minute’s loss of productivity

Seasonal readiness isn’t enough

Seasonal readiness matters, but you can’t afford to stop there. Your contingency plan needs to comprehensively include both long- and short-term changes in weather, so you can stay ahead of your risks.

At the same time, your plan needs to be ready to evolve over time. As technology improves, new innovations come in, and the way you work continues to evolve, your plan will need to be constantly updated to incorporate your new processes.

A tailor-made plan

An off-the-shelf response won’t suit every situation. You need an operational readiness plan that considers emergency management, long-term climate changes, and sudden, extreme weather. We can tailor your strategy to fit your operation and the risks you’d face if things ground to a halt.

Even if you revisit your contingency plan regularly, effective planning means anticipating environmental changes and costs throughout the life of your project. This could be years or even decades into the future.

At Aggreko, we’re at the forefront of operational readiness and business continuity. We understand your industry – and where it’s headed. We can work with you to accurately predict costs, now and in the future, and ensure you’re prepared for anything.

Partner with us to ensure your business continuity

Which equipment does your facility need?

Thanks to our large, varied fleet and worldwide network of local experts, we can offer a wide range of equipment to help you prepare for incidents.

Equipment Rental for Power Supply and Temperature Control

Business contingency plan made to fit your business needs

When it comes to business continuity, an off-the-shelf response simply isn’t fit for purpose. Instead, you need a comprehensive plan that’s built around your business, your processes, your biggest risks, and how things are likely to evolve in the future.

With deep expertise in business continuity and industry alike, Aggreko can account for every detail – big and small. We’ll meet you to assess your power, heating, cooling and dehumidification needs, then develop a plan that covers everything including:

  • Equipment
  • Engineering
  • Logistics
  • People and management

As a result, we’ll help you get ahead of potential disasters – without draining your ability to focus on running your business in the here and now.

Contingency planning for food businesses

With deep expertise in the food and beverage space, Aggreko can help F&B businesses navigate seasonal changes and sudden emergencies alike. From industrial power to process cooling, we’ll help you develop a plan that keeps you productive whatever happens.

Contingency planning for the manufacturing industry

Whatever you manufacture, increased pressure and rising costs mean there’s less margin for error than ever before. A single disaster could be enough to put you out of business. Trust Aggreko to deliver specialist expertise and robust contingency planning, leveraging decades of manufacturing insight.

Contingency planning for the petrochemical and refining industry

Losing power, temperature control, or air can be catastrophic for your plant, your people, and your profits. Every hour of lost productivity has a huge impact on your profit margins – so being ready to get back on track rapidly is vital.

Whether we’re pledging to provide backup and standby power throughout hurricane season, or helping you prepare for equipment failures, blowouts, and arc flash, we’re always ready to be on the scene at short notice. And, because we understand the complex processes of petrochemical plants and refineries, we can help you get things moving again faster – no trial and error involved.

Contingency planning for the oil and gas industry

For oil and gas companies, a hurricane, tornado, or snowstorm doesn’t just mean lost profits – it could put workers, the public, and the environment in danger.

With over 50 years of industry experience, we know how to build a plan that will have production moving again as fast as possible. With a clear strategy in place, you’ll be able to recover from disasters safely and effectively.

Contingency planning for building services and construction

Aging equipment, severe weather conditions, or simple accidents and malfunctions can shut down construction sites fast – and, once a building is finished, put residents at risk. We’ll help you build a continuity plan that covers every stage of a building’s construction and use – from the first build to additions, renovations, and operational building occupancy. With our temporary solutions ready to move, you’ll be able to recover more efficiently and minimize lost revenue when permanent systems are down or unavailable.

Contingency planning for data centers

Your reputation depends on your uptime – so, if a natural disaster takes out essential power or cooling capacity, there’s no time to waste.

Our expertise in data center contingency planning is unparalleled – we’ll provide everything from HVAC solutions to dry out flooding and keep your equipment running seamlessly, to greener temporary power packages to keep work moving without driving up emissions. Anything you need to ensure continuity for customers and protect your reputation.

Contingency planning for utilities

Your customers depend on your services to keep them safe and comfortable. So you need a partner who can help get you back online as soon as possible – ideally before customers even notice the disruption.

We’ll help you build a contingency plan that covers everything you need to keep customers supplied with utilities: reliable, low-emissions temporary power, HVAC and compressed air, ready and waiting when you need it.

Business continuity planning and disaster recovery

Effective disaster recovery goes hand in hand with contingency planning. Forward-thinking businesses prepare for the unexpected – and implement clear, practical strategies for getting back to business fast.

See how Aggreko can accelerate your recovery

Download our complete contingency planning starter guide

A young male working on contingency planning plans

We understand that every project is unique

We’ll treat it as such when we build seasonal and operational plans that allow you to react to any scenario in the most cost-effective way