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Power and temperature control for risk management PCR

Risk management

Manage risk and eliminate downtime with temporary power, temperature control systems and 100% oil-free air solutions

Get in touch

Critical failures can happen to any plant at any time, and disaster can strike at the most inopportune moment. But keeping damage to a minimum and reducing the chance of ongoing failures is a vital part of running a successful plant.

We provide a range of innovative risk management solutions designed to keep your plant running at peak performance. Our services include temporary power generation, temperature control systems, and oil-free air solutions.

Our solutions:

  • Keep your plant running at peak performance
  • Reduce any costly downtime that is caused by critical failures and natural disasters
  • Provide you with peace of mind
  • Offer environmental support to keep your plant in line with government requirements

Our Goals Are Aligned with Yours

We bring together our expertise and design engineering skills to keep your plant running smoothly during unplanned downtime. When disaster strikes, we’ll help keep operations on schedule while reducing your carbon footprint.


As a result, our customers have been able to continue production throughout critical failures and natural disasters.

The risk management solutions we design and execute for our customers are carefully crafted, using the latest equipment and the best strategies for you and your plant.

They include:

  • Temporary motor control centers
  • Microgrids
  • Data centers and analyzers
  • Temporary substations and motor control cooling
  • Cooling towers
  • Temporary fixes for main blower outages

Explore our Refining and Petrochemical Plant services

Take a look at what we can do for you

We provide a full range of rental equipment that includes: